Lucid art, Photography, SEE LEARNING,

Palabras del Artista
La fotografía es un acto de sincronia pura; una operacion alquímica instantanea, la camara es un oraculo del presente, el lente es la extension d e mi s posibilidades de vision , aqui estoy para crear, para pintar con luz y reconocer las sombras, la practica es estar vacio por dentro, estar presente en el momento ... sin conceptos, tan solo listo a capturar un instante de conciencia en el vasto muliverso del Gran Misterio, este Arte ha sido creado por el bien de todos los seres que pueden Ver.
Inicialmente comence a observar y registrar imagenes en negativo como una forma de preservar instantes memorables en el peregrinaje espiritual. 18 años de imagenes hacen parte de este registro . Posteriormente con la llegada de la tecnologia digital tuve la oportunidad de comenzar a ensamblar momentos magicos en la Jornada, en esta maravillosa jornada de busqueda, practica e investigacion acerca de la iluminacion , la verdadera naturaleza del Ser, la esencia Divina.
Artist Statement
Photography as a spiritual practice is a luminous moment to moment flow of awareness invoking the Art of painting ideas with Light. My goal as an Artist is to re-create via digital paintings & still images, reflections of The Divine Within, always present in everything and everywhere. My intention is to offer a view, a way of perceiving the Universe, the Earth, Dimensions, Truly just an Idea of that Cosmic and mysterious lattice of "All we are is the result of what we have thought". The Dance of Creation is the Alchemist's display of Light and Darkness
This Art is Magick & Vibrational Visual Medicine. A true living at-one-ment testimony of a Spiritual Journey of re-uniting with Cosmic Consciousness.
An artist in constant pilgrimage, Vacio's Work displays an ecclectic photo ensamble from the last 18 years of a Journey in Canada, Mexico and Colombia. The primary goal of Vacio's Art expression is to is to re-create the luminous perfect essence of the Universal creativity our true primordial nature. One which co-exists and is manifest in each of us here_now.
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Om Mani Padme Hum