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Nunca Te Rindas

Writer: vacio cielovacio cielo

Never Give Up Nunca Te Rindas Never give up - Nunca te rindas No matter what is going on - Sin importar lo que suceda Never give up . - Nunca te rindas. Develop the heart - Desarrolla el Corazón; Too much energy in your country- Demasiada energia en tu pais Is spent developing the mind, - es gastada desarrollando la mente, Instead of the heart.... En vez del Corazón... Develop the heart. Desarrolla el Corazón. Be Compassionate; - Se Compasivo; Not just with your friends, - No solamente con tus amigos But with everyone. - Con todo el mundo. Be compassionate. - Se compasivo. Work for peace; Trabaja por Paz In your heart, En tu Corazón...,

Never give up!

Nunca jamas te rindas!

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama,

Tenzin Gyatso

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