art Vacio Cielo 2024
a collection of Wise sayings " Al-Fawaid", by Ibn Al- Qayyim 1292 - 1350
"Allah - God , Exalted He, told us that he made the Earth subservient for mankind to tread, dig cultivate and build on. He did not make it difficult for people who need all these things in life. Allah the Almighty also said that He made the Earth like a bed, a resting place, a wide expanse, a fixed abode and a receptacle. And He also said that he has spread it, brought it forth water from it, and pasture. He has fixed mountains on it, placed therein broad highways and roads, He caused rivers and springs of water to flow, and bestowed blessings upon it and predestinated its substance.
Among its blessings is is that every kind of animal and their sustenance come from the earth. Also when a seed is put into the Earth, it brings it forth multiplied for the benefit of Humankind. The Earth also carries dirt on itself and brings forth FROM WITHIN ITSELF THE BEST OF THINGS AND EVERYTHING THAT BENEFITS MAN . It hides all foul things and brings forth all that is sweet. Among its blessings, is that it covers the waste of people and brings forth food and drink for them. Therefore, IT IS THE MOST PERFECT THING FOR BEARING HARM, AND THE MOST PERFECT THING FOR BRINGING ABOUT BENEFIT.
NOTHING that comes out of the Earth is better than the earth itself. what is meant here is that Allah/God The Almighty made the Earth for us like a docile camel that allows itself to be ridden by anyone"
Alone, alone…
"Why do I think I am alone?
It took a while for me to see that, in my early desperation to be with humans, I would sometimes be bored and disgusted with the drunkenness of the bar, the banal chatter of the coffee house, and that the place I was becoming more content was with my bees, my angry squirrels, my thousands and thousands of plants emitting their daily gasses for my brain and heart to absorb. Now I try to be more considerate of how I affect them, as well.
It wasn’t a pretty time, living through that early loneliness. And I still get bursts of angst at what the local flora and fauna are not providing me.
But I often wonder if the cure for the human condition – our constant disconnectedness – is only as far away as the nearest stump."

"Edible Landscapes is nestled into a small forest clearing, and the plants here are watered with a combination of the clearest mountain water and rainwater – this is the perfect place to grow pristine herbs! All herbs are hand selected and harvested, carefully air dried and hand packaged – for the freshest possible product.
Robin in her Garden Art Vacio Cielo
We have the original seed
already planted within, recognize it, each and every day,
Nurtured, cared for, Makes a path, makes a way...

Light Altar Offering
Robin Ann Wheeler (February 2012 Picture Vacio Cielo)
23 October 1954 - 20 February 2012
May I be at peace;
May my heart remain open;
May I awaken to the light of my true nature:
May I be healed;
May I be a source of healing to all sentient beings;
May I be safe;
May I be happy;
May I be healthy;
May I be at ease.
Sarva Mangalam
Light and Gratitude