The strange story of a Monastery which once was called the Ark
Mikhail Naimy

"Whoever cannot find a temple in his heart, the same can never find his heart in any temple."
One of the most beautiful books written ever ! A mysterious tale about a stranger by the name of Mirdad, who visits a remote mountain monastery called the Ark. There after a period of negativity, envy, discrimination and servitude, Mirdad ends up becoming A teacher to the chosen Companions of the Ark, and through his dialogue with them, he deeply shares truths which show them how it is possible to transform their own consciousness and uncover the God within.
The Book of Mirdad is among the great religious classics of the twentieth century and truly deserves to be read.
The book describes the story of Mirdad, who decides to leave everything behind to go and visit a remote temple which was built hundreds of years ago and is on the top of a mountain. The path up the mountain is dangerous but he perseveres in his path and, after losing everything, through an accident on a dark night he finds himself at the temple. However, this is only beginning.
What follows are chapters of individual spiritual gems that the seeker can either read as a story or pick at random. Although originally written in the early 20th century, the book manages to accurately describe so-called 'modern' life! The text is also so beautifully worded that you could read the phrases endlessly.
With a few words Mikhail Naimy can keep you in silent thought for quite a while and also leave a warm light in your heart.
Here is a short extract from the book:
" You do not know the joy of Love so long as there is hatred in your hearts. Were you to feed all things the sap of Life except a certain tiny worm, that certain tiny worm alone would embitter your life. For in loving anything, or anyone, you love in truth but yourselves. Likewise in hating anything, or anyone, you hate in truth but yourselves. For that which you hate is bound up inseparably with that which you love, like the face and the reverse of the same coin, If you would be honest with yourselves, then must you love what you hate and what hates you before you love what you love and what loves you.Love is not a virtue. Love is a necessity; more so than bread and water; more so than light and air.Let no one pride himself on loving. But rather breathe in Love and breathe it out just as unconsciously and freely as you breathe in the air and breathe in out.For Love needs no one to exalt it. Love will exalt the heart that it finds worthy of itself.Seek no rewards for Love. Love is reward sufficient unto Love, as Hate is punishment sufficient unto Hate.Nor keep any accounts with Love. For Love accounts to no one but itself.Love neither lends nor borrows; Love neither buys nor sells; but when it gives, it gives its all; and when it takes, it takes its all. Its very taking is a giving. Its very giving is a taking. Therefore is it the same to-day, to-morrow and forevermore. "